Fitness, Wellness, Weight Loss, Muscle Toning, Core Conditioning, Nutrition, and more!
Coach Debbi - Your Fitness and Wellness Coach
Coach Debbi - Your Fitness and Wellness Coach
Fitness & wellness, One-On-One Fitness Training, Group Fitness Training, Weight Loss Management, Muscle Tonging, Core Conditioning / Abs Sculpting, Pilates, Cardio Kick Boxing, Pool Aerobics, Beach Workouts, Nutrition, and so much more
- Treasure Island, FL and Surrounding Areas
"Individual Fitness Training" Workout
Wanting to tone your muscles, drop a few (or a lot of ) lbs, get in shape, stay in shape, or just seeking fitness training for another reason? Whatever the reason is, I will be there working out with you while I train you, demonstrating correct form, targeting all the muscles, including a warm up at the beginning, and lots of well needed stretches at the end of the workout. You will feel great during, after, and for sure later. I have a variety of workouts that will give you the results that you are seeking.
“HIIT” (High Intensity Interval Training) class (surrounding areas)
HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short yet active recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time. Come join me in my “HIIT” cardio/light weights workout We’ll have fun while we “bring our sexy back”. During my classes, you’ll enjoy great music, high energy, fat burning, calorie reducing moves that will help you to bring back or get the body that you once had or always wanted. This is an awesome workout!! and we can start “BRINGING SEXY BACK” now... You’ll be glad you did.
And for another great, fun, and firming workout, try "My Pilates"... You'll get those Buns of Steal in no time... Additionally, you'll firm and strengthen your entire core, while firming up many other muscles in your gluts, hamstrings, and entire body! FUN, FUN, FUN!!
Group Classes: Come join me for my Barre class on Mondays @ 5:45pm and my Total Body Sculpting with Core Conditioning - HIIT Style class on Fridays @ 5:45pm at Barrer Central (Saint Petersburg, FL).
Barrer Class Description:
Barre class is a workout technique inspired by elements of Ballet, Yoga, and Pilates; It focuses on low-impact, high-intensity movements designed to strengthen and tone your body. In addition to building strength, Barre relies on controlled, precise movements to target and tone the muscles manly in your core, thighs, hamstrings and gluts. Furthermore, Barre tones your shoulders, biceps, triceps and many other muscles that you probably didn’t know existed.
Total Body Sculpting with Core Conditioning (TBSCC-HIIT Style) Class Description:
In this class we'll work out every muscle group as we build muscle and lose fat. This class is designed to sculpt, tone, tighten and define your muscles. The muscle toning with light to medium weights exercises includes cardio burst in between sets to burn lots of calories, plank series to strengthen and firm the core and an abs series that will define your abs. ***Advanced Class*** (however modifications are shown for all levels of fitness).
*Abs Sculpting, Cardio Kick Boxing, Pool Aerobics, Beach Workouts, and sooooo much more.. :-)
"Nutrition, Lifestyle & Weight Management, Weight loss Coach, Life Coach, and more..."
There are so many healthy food choices out there - choices that will make your heart smile :-). I am thrilled to share my knowledge with you on Nutrition, as well as how to live a healthy life style and manage your idea weight and fitness level once you reach you goals.
Two of my newest earned Certifications are the Life Coach and the Weight Loss Coach. I am excited to be your Coach in life choices, including healthy mind, body, and spirt, as well as exited to be your Coach in weight loss, if this is what you are seeking, or coach you on any of my expertise. Life is Great!! Let's enjoy it and live life to the fullest being the healthiest, fittest, most positive, happy person that we can be...
Coach Debbi - Your Fitness and Wellness Coach
- I have listed my Certifications below. Let's connect! I'd love to discuss your fitness goals with you as well as help you reach your fitness goals in a healthy, positive way! Keeping it Healthy all the way :-)
CERTIFICATIONS (Fitness and Wellness)
1.Certified Personal Trainer (ISSA)
2.Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition (ISSA)
3.Certified CPR/AED + First Aid (My CPR NOW)
4.Certification-Fusion Workouts (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
5.Certified in Diet Lies and Weight Loss Truths (Exercise Etc. Inc.)
6.Certification-Plant-Based Sports Nutrition (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
7.Certification-Strength Training for Fat Loss (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
8.Certificate of Completion - Beyond Cardio - Sweat Equity & Weight Management (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
9.Certificate of Completion - Core Training - Working Hard or Hardly Working (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
10.Certificate of Completion- High Intensity Interval Training (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
11.Certified - HIIT (American Sports and Fitness Associations - ASFA)
12.Certified - Barre Above (Barre Above)
13.Certified in Motivation 101 (Personal Trainer Central)
14.Certified Life Coach (Personal Trainer Central)
15.Certified Weight Loss Coach (Personal Trainer Central)
16.Certified Personal Training Success (Center of Health and Fitness Continuing Education)
17.Certified Weight Management (Center for Health and Fitness Continuing Education)
18.Certified Core Training Anatomy (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
19.Certified Guiding Yoga's Light (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
20.Certified Athletic Abs (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
21.Certified Pilates Intermediate Home Study - National Exercise Trainers Association (NETA)
22.Certified AthleKinetix (AthleKinetix)
23.Certified Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist - National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA)
24.Certified Group X Instructor - B-Fit University (Bally's Total Fitness)
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