Fitness, Wellness, Weight Loss, Muscle Toning, Core Conditioning, Nutrition, and more!
Coach Debbi - Your Fitness and Wellness Coach
Coach Debbi - Your Fitness and Wellness Coach
About - get fit and fabulous -- Treasure Island, FL and
Surrounding Areas
Certifications and Pricing are below:
CERTIFICATIONS (Fitness and Wellness)
1.Certified Personal Trainer (ISSA)
2.Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition (ISSA)
3.Certified CPR/AED + First Aid (My CPR NOW)
4.Certification-Fusion Workouts (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
5.Certified in Diet Lies and Weight Loss Truths (Exercise Etc. Inc.)
6.Certification-Plant-Based Sports Nutrition (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
7.Certification-Strength Training for Fat Loss (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
8.Certificate of Completion - Beyond Cardio - Sweat Equity & Weight Management (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
9.Certificate of Completion - Core Training - Working Hard or Hardly Working (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
10.Certificate of Completion- High Intensity Interval Training (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
11.Certified - HIIT (American Sports and Fitness Associations - ASFA)
12.Certified - Barre Above (Barre Above)
13.Certified in Motivation 101 (Personal Trainer Central)
14.Certified Life Coach (Personal Trainer Central)
15.Certified Weight Loss Coach (Personal Trainer Central)
16.Certified Personal Training Success (Center of Health and Fitness Continuing Education)
17.Certified Weight Management (Center for Health and Fitness Continuing Education)
18.Certified Core Training Anatomy (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
19.Certified Guiding Yoga's Light (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
20.Certified Athletic Abs (Exercise Etc., Inc.)
21.Certified Pilates Intermediate Home Study - National Exercise Trainers Association (NETA)
22.Certified AthleKinetix (AthleKinetix)
23.Certified Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist - National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA)
24.Certified Group X Instructor - B-Fit University (Bally's Total Fitness)l Fitness)
PERSONAL TRAINING RATES (NOTE: the below shows my normal rates, however I am always offering *SPECIALS* for my Weight Loss / Muscle Toning Program. I have packages that will be customized to fit most any budget. This is to-be-discussed. Contact me for more details)
Choose the option that's best for you:
Single Session (1 hour) - $65
4 Sessions Program (1 hour sessions) - $260 ($65 per session) Four sessions with a personal trainer is a great start. You will be well on your way to a new, healthier you!
8 Sessions Program (1 hour sessions) - $480 ($60 per session) Eight sessions with a personal trainer will not only get you started and up to speed faster, but you'll also see better results and faster!
16 Sessions Program (1 hour sessions) - $880 ($55 per session) This program is for those that are ready to leave their old body behind and discover a whole new world of health and fitness.
Customized Rates Special - (TBD) This can be discussed per clients' needs (i.e. time restraints, small group pricing, etc.)
I'm so excited about helping you reach your Fitness and Wellness goals :-)
I'm so excited about helping you reach your Fitness and Wellness goals :-)
Being healthy and fit, along with having a healthy mind, will result in an amazing new life style that will leave you feeling great on the inside and out. Manifest on the Positive... Disconnect from the Negative... And remember to Keep it Healthy! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.